Origin Ending (Break In 2) (2025)

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Origin Ending (Break In 2) (1)

The Origin Ending is the fourth ending released in Break In 2 and the final one for the near future. It is activated by doing the second wire puzzle in the Maintenance Room after finding the papers of The Break in Purgers in drawers.


  • 1 How to Obtain
  • 2 Ending
    • 2.1 Memory I: The Note
      • 2.1.1 Minigame:
      • 2.1.2 Cutscene:
    • 2.2 Memory II: The Assignment
      • 2.2.1 Minigame:
      • 2.2.2 Cutscene:
    • 2.3 Memory III: The Key
      • 2.3.1 Minigame:
      • 2.3.2 Cutscene:

How to Obtain[]

First you must complete the normal wire puzzle in the Maintenance Room upstairs, to which you will require 4 speed (or 3 speed with a cola)to access. Once completed, you will earn the Expert Investigator badge for completing the wire puzzle, if this is your first time doing so.

6 pages will spawn around the Secret Evil Villain Base and you must find and collect all of them. These pages can spawn in the following locations:

  • Drawers in the Middle Room
  • Drawer in the Shop
  • Drawer in the Kitchen
  • Hidden compartment in the Maintenance Room
Origin Ending (Break In 2) (2)

Once found, you will unlock the second wire puzzle in the Maintenance Room. Complete it by placing the pages under the correct categories to unlock the Origin Ending. Larry, Mary, and Barry go under the "Scary" category, Luke and Brooke, alias The Twins, under "Spooky", and the Headmaster under "?".


After unlocking the ending, the game will initiate a notification to everyone in the server, informing them that said user has unlocked the Origin Ending. After that, everything will stay relatively the same until after Scary Mary's speech (which occurs after wave 3) where the players will be given the option to choose which ending they want.

If the majority chooses the Origin Ending, Detective Bradley Beans will appear a few moments after, stopping the players from going into the vault as he wants to share his research on the purgers with them first. The players are then transported to a wormhole in which they can walk forward to travel to a memory in the past. All memories take place in the school that Scary Mary and Scary Larry went to when they were younger.

Memory I: The Note[]


The first memory takes place in some of the hallways, classrooms, and storage rooms of the school. Detective Bradley Beans will remark that something is wrong and tells the players that Larry is walking around the hallway.

There are 12 items hidden in boxes in different storage rooms that you must search for. Once found, you must place them in the correct classroom (ex. The flask should be taken to the Science Room) within a certain amount of time or else you will drop the item. While you are doing this, Larry will be roaming around the area and you must make sure to stay out of his sight. His vision is indicated by the red hue around him. If you both are in a hallway, you can escape him by either running away or hiding in a locker, which have been placed all across the map.

Origin Ending (Break In 2) (3)

If he is trying to come into the room you are in (which is identifiable by audible and visible door shaking), you should hide in a locker until he leaves the room, as unlike in the halls, Larry can attack you from anywhere in rooms as long as you’re in the room with him and not in a locker. If you get caught by Larry, you will lose 30 energy (22 if wearing armor) before getting teleported to the storage room with Detective Bradley Beans in it. Once all 12 items have been found and placed in the right classrooms, the memory will be complete.


This cutscene begins with a nervous Larry entering the cafeteria with a note, with the intention of giving it to Mary who is talking to Barry about her new assignment given to her by the headmaster. Mary chides him for interrupting their conversation, and tells him to get lost after Barry asks how he's doing. Once he does, Mary reads the paper and realises it's a love note. She shows it to Barry and they share a snide laugh, finding amusement in Larry's timid approach.

Afterwards, the players end up in a wormhole much like the first, to transfer to the next memory.

Memory II: The Assignment[]


The second memory takes place in the gym. Players must destroy 6 roses that have been scattered around the gym whilst trying to avoid getting caught by Mary, who will occasionally watch over the gym from the overlook on the other side of the gym. When she comes, the lights will flicker and dim as a warning and in that time players must hide behind the nearest objects in order to stay out of her gaze. When it is safe to move around, the lights will go back to normal.

Origin Ending (Break In 2) (4)

If a player fails to hide in time (or at all), Mary will attack them, resulting in the player losing 30 energy (22 if wearing armor) before getting teleported back to the storage area where they started. The memory ends once the 6 roses have all been destroyed.


In this cutscene, Mary is shown working on her assignment from the Headmaster: the keys seen on her and Larry's backs. In the process, she contemplates who to test it on.

Memory III: The Key[]


The third memory takes place outside the Headmaster's office. The players must complete an obby. The Dream Team members that are available assist by pressing buttons to add extra platforms to the obby. Once everyone has made it to the office, they are awarded a badge before playing the final cutscene.

If a player does not complete the obby in time, the memory will still be complete, but the player will lose 75 energy.


Mary is seen walking out of the Headmaster's office, still unnerved from the visit. With her assignment ready to be tested and a subject in mind, she returns to her workshop to wait.

Later that night, Larry, Mary, and Barry are seen in the workshop.

Larry asks Mary if she read his note, and Mary tells him that she did before lying that she thought it was sweet. She asks him if he can test her key, to which Larry is apprehensive, but eventually agrees and turns around with the help of the false encouragement from her and Barry. Mary approaches him and jams a key into his back, with the key's effects shown spreading through his body as pulsing veins. Mary celebrates her success while Larry comments about his loss of conscience. Mary proceeds to do the same thing to Barry, before turning around so he can implant a key into her.

It is unknown what exactly happened to the survivors past that point, as the game ends following that cutscene with them all in the cafeteria.

Origin Ending (Break In 2) (5)
Origin Ending (Break In 2) (2025)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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