Patient Guide | Lourdes Health (2024)

We are committed to your care.

Our goal is to provide the best quality care. To do so, we ask for feedback from patients like you. You may be contacted by phone, email or text and asked to complete a confidential survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. Your feedback will help us know what we’re doing well and where we can improve.

Privacy Practices Concerns About Your Care

Fast facts about your stay.

  • Bedside Shift Report
  • Bedside Technology
  • Café and Dining
  • Cafeteria
  • Calling Your Nurse
  • Channel Listing for TV
  • Concerns About Your Care
  • Electrical Appliances
  • Fire Safety
  • Gift Shop
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Hospital Safe for Valuables
  • Hourly Rounding
  • Housekeeping Services
  • Interpreters and Translation Services
  • Lost and Found
  • Mail
  • Medicines
  • Parking
  • Pastoral Care
  • Patient Meals
  • Personal Belongings and Valuables
  • Public Restrooms
  • Rapid Response Team
  • Smoking
  • Telephone
  • TV
  • Vending Machines
  • Visiting Hours
  • Wifi

Support for Caregivers

We encourage patients to pick a key person to support them during their hospital stay. Whether you are that primary support person, or just one of many people caring for and supporting your loved one, you can play an important role in making sure your loved one gets the safest and best care both here and beyond the hospital.

Patient and Family Care
We participate in patient- and family-centered care. We believe that family plays an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of patients of all ages. Our goal is to create partnerships among healthcare practitioners, patients and families that will lead to the best outcomes and enhance the delivery of safe, quality, efficient, effective, and timely care.

What to Know Before You Leave
Caregivers can help ensure the best outcome for their loved one after a hospital stay by getting the answers to these three questions:

  1. What is the next step for medical care (home or facility, follow-up with primary care physician or physical therapy, etc.)? Help your loved one arrange the details to make this happen—financial plan, transportation, scheduling, etc.
  2. What new and former medicines does my loved one need to take? Help your loved one understand the details—timing, dosing instructions, side effects, prescription refills, etc.
  3. What health warning signs do I need to watch for and what do I do if they happen? Help your loved one by writing these symptoms down as well as the name and contact number to call.

If you feel like you need a break or help, reach out to friends and family. And consult the resources listed here: National Alliance for Caregiving |Family Caregiver Alliance |Caregiver Action Network

Facts About Your Stay

Bedside Shift Report

We want you to feel comfortable and cared for throughout your stay, so at each nursing shift change—about every 12 hours—your nurse will introduce your new nurse to you. The team will talk about your progress, medicine and tests scheduled for the day. Ask questions. The more you’re involved, the better and safer your care.

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Bedside Technology

During your stay, you may see your doctors and nurses using computers or tablets. These tools help them care for you by providing around-the-clock monitoring, a variety of resources and quick communication with the rest of your healthcare team. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or nurse.

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Café and Dining

Brew'd Awakening Cafe
Location: Main Lobby, near Patient Registration

Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

All visitors are welcome.

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Location: Lourdes Medical Center, Lobby Level of the 1920's building


Monday - Friday
Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (Full Service)
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Full Service)

Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (Full Service)
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Grab & Go, Limited Menu)

Visitors may use the dining room at any time. Due to dietary restrictions, patients may not be served in the cafeteria.

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Calling Your Nurse

Your room is connected to the nursing station via an intercom system. To call for your nurse, press the NURSE call button located at your bedside. If you have any questions on how to use the call button, ask a staff member to show you.

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Cellphones & Video

During your stay, you may see members of your care team using mobile phones. At Lourdes Health, our staff are permitted to use phones for work-related activities, such as communicating with doctors or other care team members. Employees are not allowed to use phones for non-work-related activities. There are many work-related benefits of cellphones and other communication devices, including access to medical references, clinical tools and patient information.

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Channel Listing for TV

PackagePSIP NameServiceEIAPSIPChannelCenter Frequency (MHz)
LocalsABCKAPP ABC1111.16201
LocalsCBSKIMA CBS1111.68201
LocalsFOXKCYU FOX1212.110207
LocalsNBCKNDO NBC1212.612207
LocalsCWKIMA 2 CW1313.114213
LocalsPBSKYVE PBS1313.616213
LocalsPBS2KYVE 2 PBS Kids1313.717213
LocalsIONION Television2323.136219
LocalsMETVKAPP 2 Me TV2323.237219
LocalsTELEMKCYU 2 Telemundo2424.341225
LocalsUNVKUNW Univision2525.243231
LocalsTBNKDHW TBN2626.145237
LocalsRSNRoot Sports NOrthwest2828.252249
DeluxeGUIDED1DELUXE GUIDE 13030.157261
DeluxeUSAUSA Network3030.258261
DeluxeBBCABBC AMERICA3333.166279
DeluxeTRUTVTRU TV3333.368279
DeluxeTVLANDTV LAND3535.273291
DeluxeAPLANIMAL PLANET3636.377297
DeluxeFOODFOOD NETWORK3838.181309
DeluxeOVATIONOVATION TV4040.389321
DeluxeFNCFOX NEWS4141.291327
DeluxeNICKJRNICK JR4545.2103351
DeluxeGACFGAC FAMILY4747.1108363
DeluxeGUIDED2DELUXE GUIDE 24848.1111369
DeluxeTNFThursday Night Football4848.2112369
DeluxeSECSEC NETWORK4848.3113369
DeluxeFS1FOX SPORTS 14949.1114375
DeluxeFS2FOX SPORTS 24949.2115375
DeluxeSHOPHQSHOP HQ5151.1120387
DeluxeCNNECNN EN ESPANOL5151.3122387
DeluxeWEWE TV5656.2136417
DeluxeGSNGAME SHOW NETWORK5757.1138423
DeluxeDLCDISCOVERY LIFE5757.3140423
DeluxeBHERBET HER5858.1141429
DeluxeTVONETV ONE5858.2142429
DeluxeBBCWLDBBC WORLD NEWS5858.3143429
DeluxeMTVLIVEMTV LIVE6060.1147441
DeluxeHMMHALLMARK MOVIES6363.1156459
DeluxeBETSOULBET SOUL6363.2157459
DeluxePAC12PAC-12 NETWORK6363.3158459
DeluxeBYUTVBYU TV6464.1159465
DeluxeNEWSMXNEWSMAX TV6565.3164471
DeluxeBIGTENBIG TEN / BTN6666.1165477
DeluxeACCACC NETWORK6666.2166477

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Concerns About Your Care

Please speak with your nurse or nursing supervisor if you have any questions or concerns about your care. If your issue still is not resolved, then contact the hospital patient advocate. You also have the right to file your complaint with either:

The Washington State Department of Health
Complaint Intake: 360.236.4700 or email for questions about provider and facility complaints.

Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, then click “Report patient safety event”

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Electrical Appliances

For your safety, we reserve the right to inspect any electrical appliances brought into the hospital.

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Fire Safety

We conduct fire drills from time to time. If you hear an alarm, stay where you are. In an actual emergency, hospital staff will tell you what to do.

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Gift Shop

Location: Main Lobby, near Patient Registration

Hours of Operation:
Mon. to Fri.: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cash and credit cards accepted.

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Hearing Impaired

We have services available for people who are deaf or hearing impaired. If you need these services, please contact your nurse.

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Hospital Safe for Valuables

It is Lourdes Health recommendation that patient valuables be given to family (verified with identification) rather than held in the hospital safe. Staff will document the disposition, including inventory of items and name of receiving family member on admission records.


  1. Place valuables in a valuables envelope in presence of patient, family member if available, and another staff member. If patient is unable to witness valuables being secured, 2 staff members shall witness the placement of valuables in the envelope and sign the envelope.
  2. List all contents on outside of envelope.
    - Describe without saying gold, silver, diamonds:
    Sample: white color
    yellow color
    Clear stone
    Red stone
    - List denomination of paper money and coins.
    - Label envelope with patient sticker on both tab and envelope and tear-off tab.
  3. Attach envelope tab to patient's chart. Obtain patient's signature, family member's signature as appropriate as well as staff member's signature.

(Monday - Thursday 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. & Fridays 5:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Envelope to Admission Staff for placement in valuables safe.

Patient Care Coordinator contacted to take the valuables envelope to the Admission's office and log the envelope and deposit in the safe for safekeeping.

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Hourly Rounding

A nurse will visit you every hour during the day and every two hours at night to check on your comfort, help you change positions in bed, assist with trips to the bathroom, and make sure you can reach your phone, call light, and personal items easily.

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Housekeeping Services

Patients' rooms are cleaned daily, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. For any request after those hours, housekeeping needs to be contacted at ext. 2345 from the room phone or 509.438.6033 from any other phone; the lead telephone is available 24 hours.

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Interpreters and Translation Services

Interpreter services are available for patients. Please contact your nurse for assistance.

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Lost and Found

Lourdes Health shall take every reasonable precaution to aid patients and employees in safeguarding their personal possessions. Both patients and employees are encouraged to bring to the hospital only those items that are essential. If an item should be found on the premises, the hospital will make every reasonable effort to locate its rightful owner. If, after a period of time the owner cannot be located, the hospital will then legally dispose of the item.

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Flowers may be delivered by visitors, staff or volunteers. Fresh flowers are not allowed in critical care areas.

Mail received after discharge will be forwarded to the patient’s home. Outgoing mail may be taken to the nurses station or given to your attending nurse.

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Please do not bring any prescription or over-the-counter medicines to the hospital. All medicines you take in the hospital need to be prescribed, filled and given to you by hospital staff. Tell your doctor about any medicines you regularly take. If you still need them, hospital staff will give them to you.

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Parking is allowed only within designated areas and is prohibited in fire lanes and areas designated with yellow paint and/or "No Parking" signs. Appropriately marked spaces will be designated for use by physically disabled patients and staff. Restricted spaces will be designated and reserved for parking of Lourdes Health Network vehicles.

Please see picture below of parking map for Lourdes Medical Center. Patient and visitor parking is marked in red, yellow, and purple.

Patient Guide | Lourdes Health (1)

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Pastoral Care

Pastoral services are available to bring the compassionate presence and healing comfort of Christ to patients, their families, and hospital staff. Pastoral services support the patient in his/her own religious beliefs. All employees share in the ministry of pastoral care. Whenever an employee is compassionate and caring, they are, in some way, providing pastoral services. If you would like a visit from the chaplain for spiritual care and comfort, please ask your nurse to contact the chaplain on call.

Chaplains are on duty in the hospital or by beeper between:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on weekdays

The chapel is always open for prayer and meditation. It’s located at Lourdes Medical Center main lobby level, near the registration area. The chapel is open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily for meditation and prayer. At other times it shall be opened by Security at the patient or family's request. Patients also have access to the chapel by tuning in to Channel 5.

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Patient Meals

An ambassador will visit with patients before every meal service to explain the daily specials and menu offerings. The menu may vary slightly depending on dietary recommendations ordered by their physician. An ambassador will take their order and will personally assemble their meal and deliver it to their room.

For additional information and menu, please review our flyer for daily offerings: Lourdes Patient Meals

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Personal Belongings and Valuables

Personal care items such as contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dentures can be stored in your bedside stand when not in use. Please do not put them on your bed or food tray to help avoid them being lost or damaged. Leave valuables like jewelry or cash at home or give them to a trusted relative or friend to watch over. If this is not an option, valuables may be locked up by Security at your request. Lourdes Health cannot be responsible for replacing personal belongings.

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Public Restrooms

For everyone’s health and safety, we ask visitors not to use patient restrooms. Public restrooms arelocated throughout the hospital. Ask hospital staff to direct you to the nearest one.

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Rapid Response Team

A highly trained group of individuals called the Rapid Response Team is in place at all times in the hospital. This team can be called at any time by you, or those who may be here with you, to check on any medical condition that is of concern before there is a life-threatening emergency.

When to call rapid response:
Call for help if you notice:

      • Changes in heart rate or blood pressure
      • Change in respiratory (breathing) rate or oxygen levels
      • Changes in urine output (much more or less urine)
      • Change in mental status or level of consciousness
      • Any time you are worried something might be wrong
      • Any change in the patient’s condition that needs immediate attention, and the healthcare team is not responding, or if you continue to have serious concerns after speaking with the healthcare team

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Given the serious health hazards of tobacco use, we have chosen to become a 100 percent tobacco-free campus. No smoking or tobacco products will be used while on Lourdes Health property, parking lots, associated buildings and vehicles. Patients and visitors are asked not to smoke during their hospital visit.

If You Smoke or Use Tobacco
While you are in the hospital, please do not suffer from nicotine withdrawal. You can receive nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or other appropriate support during your hospital visit. Please ask your nurse for more information.

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All patient rooms have phones. To place a call within the hospital, see p. 3. To dial local, dial 9 + area code + the phone number you want to call. To reach your nurse, use your call button or call the nurse directly using the phone number listed on the whiteboard.

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Each patient room has a television. Please be considerate of others by keeping the volume down and turning off your TV at bedtime. TVs are controlled by the bedside pillow speaker or side rail controls. Closed captioning is available for the hearing impaired. Ask a staff member if you have any questions on using your TV.

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Vending Machines

Here you can find beverages and snacks 24 hours a day. Located on the 2nd floor, in the visitor lobby of the Inpatient Rehab Unit.

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Visiting Hours

Visiting hours are subject to change. Please ask your nurse for official hours during your stay.

To promote healing and safety and limit infection, some units may limit the number of visitors you can receive at one time.

Patients have the right to choose to receive visitors from among family, friends or other individuals at any time during their stay.

Visiting Overnight
Overnight visitation with a patient must be coordinated with the charge nurse and/or nurse manager and is only permitted under certain circumstances. If overnight visitation has been approved, you will be given a visitor card by the nurse, who will provide you with instructions for obtaining a visitor pass from the security guard. Please wear this badge and remain in the waiting room or the patient’s room at all times during your overnight visit. We reserve the right to revoke overnight privileges.

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We provide our patients and their guests with free Wi-Fi:
LHNPublic Guest Access

When LHNPublic Guest Access is selected from your smart device, you will be automatically connected to the Lourdes Guest Wi-Fi Network. There is no password requirement to join the Lourdes Guest Wireless Network.

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Patient Guide | Lourdes Health (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 5601

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.